Unity West Lending
8311 Amsterdam Dr, Huntington Beach CA, 92647
Need Mortgage Help? 888-74-UNITY

Alternative Income Verification Loan
CALL: 888-748-6489

(California and Texas)

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Unity West Lending is licensed by the California BRE/DBO and Texas SML to originate loans in the states of California and Texas. An Alternative Income Verification Loan is a mortgage where the lender does not use traditional documentation to verify the borrower's income. These loans are normally intended for self-employed borrowers, or investors who might have difficulty documenting their income. Alternative Income Verification Loans fill a gap of situations which traditional loan guidelines would not approve and in some instances may have more stringent guidelines than a traditional full documentation loan would require, such as larger liquid asset requirements. For certain individuals these loans are the best options for their specific needs. We pride ourselves in providing all options and full disclosure to all of our clients which allows them to make an informed decision based on their specific situation.

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